
We support you in multisite certification, scroll down to see how...

Save cost at Teijin Aramid

"Bas Logister of MD1.Support helped us in our negotiations with the certifier. This resulted in a reduction of the audit durations and cost with about 20%"


Teijin Aramid in the Netherlands has multisite certification for about 10 years. Recently Henk Kerkdijk, Quality Assurance Manager, was less satisfied with the services of the certifier. Teijin aims to best in class and demands this also from their certification. 

As requested by Henk we checked the calculation of the certifier on multisite certification. Based on the IAF.MD1, we concluded that the audit durations and the cost of certification could be reduced significantly. Based on our analyses Henk agreed with the certifier on the reduction of the audit duration and cost at Teijin Aramid by about 20%.

See further our homepage on MD1.Support!





Multisite certification At Scania

Multisite certification At Scania

Interview on multisite certification with Per Webb from Scania

Read more

It's a very good initiative that MD1.Support can help organizations in multisite certification!

Dirk Regenboog from Bureau Veritas Certification Netherlands
Dirk Regenboog from Bureau Veritas Certification Netherlands

MD1.Support helped us a lot how we could benefit from multisite certification

Jack Reinders from Bronkhorst
Jack Reinders from Bronkhorst

Bas Logister of MD1.Support helped us in the understanding of the requirements and the calculation of multisite certification,

Ronald Velsink from Unica
Ronald Velsink from Unica

Bas Logister of MD1.Support helped us in our negotiations with the certifier

Henk Kerkdijk from Teijin Aramid
Henk Kerkdijk from Teijin Aramid